
Launch of in person network events in Wolverhampton

Following the growing popularity of the quarterly virtual Network Meetings, Wolverhampton IPS conducted their first face to face network meeting at The Beeches Penn Hospital on the 16th of September where 18 service providers attended to promote services currently being offered around Wolverhampton.  

Some of the providers that attended included –

  • The Good Shepherd
  • Beacon for the Blind
  • Social Prescribing
  • Zebra Access
  • DWP
  • Aspiring Futures
  • Black Country Women’s Aid

Along with our Employment & Recovery Services teams, who attended to promote the broad offering available within our own service.

Wolves Network ImageMembers of the Employment & Recovery Services support our first in person network event in Wolverhampton

The event was a huge success with over 70 attendees participating throughout the event, ncluding members of our clinical teams, other local organisations and services. 

This event gave clinical staff invaluable information and resources to help provide patients to be signposted to services within Wolverhampton. Our network meetings take place quarterly, to support clinical teams and other external organisations, covering Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall & Wolverhampton. Visit our events page to find out about our upcoming events!

Alternatively, contact us if you'd like to know more about how we work with individuals, clinical teams and the community. 

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