You can contact us in a number of ways. Telephone numbers and email addresses can be found throughout the various pages on this website. Alternatively, you can contact us using the Black Country Job Support directory below, our Contact Us form or via our social media channels
What is IPS?
Supporting individuals who experience mental health issues to find and retain employment.
Our Teams
Dudey -
Sandwell -
Walsall -
Wolverhampton -
What is Retention?
Helping people who experience mental health issues to stay in work, or return to work following a period of absence.
Our Teams
Dudey -
Sandwell -
Walsall -
Wolverhampton -
What is Thrive into Work?
Offering one to one support to individuals with health conditions who want to find and retain sustainable employment.
We also offer the Thrive into Work nneurodiveristy service offering employment support for people with neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism or ADHD. The team also supports those who are in work but are at risk of losing their job or are on a period of sick leave.
Our Teams
Thrive and Neurodiversity Services provided at Dudley and Walsall -
What is Walsall Bridges?
The service offers one to one individually tailored employment and vocational support to help you move closer to your employment, training or volunteering goals.
Our Team
Walsall -
What is Let's Talk?
Individual and group face to face or virtual support, to overcome social isolation and loneliness.
Our Teams
Black Country wide -
What is RISE?
Provide community related support to help individuals with their recovery goals including building confidence, emotional resilience, and managing anxiety in order to build and maintain a meaningful future.
Our Teams
Black Country wide -
What is Volunteering Service?
Connects individuals with volunteering opportunities within the Trust, includes training to boost skills and confidence.
Our Teams
Black Country wide -
What are Talking Therapies Employment Services?
Provides support to individuals accessing NHS Talking Therapies who are looking for a job, or need help staying in their current employment.
Our Teams
Dudey -
Sandwell -
Walsall -
Wolverhampton -
What is WorkWell?
WorkWell is a service designed to support anyone with a health condition or disability to either:
- Return/Remain in work
- Find and Access work
- Refer or signpost into various services available in your local area
Our Teams
Black Country Wide -
Website -
Contact Us Form