
Let's Talk


The Let’s Talk service is available for anyone in the Black Country who is experiencing loneliness or social isolation and wants to take part in activities to meet new people. The service offers a range of  support via one to one’s, group sessions, outdoor activities, virtual groups and more. Check out our events calendar for more details, and weekly updates via our social media pages.

Anyone wanting to access the service can do so by contacting Loneliness and Social Isolation Specialists via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or telephone Anne 07909 213184 or Ruby 07423 687 464. 


The Volunteering Service 


Volunteering for BCHFT is a great way to support your local community and healthcare organisation. It can also help to boost skills and give you experience of working for a NHS Trust.

Have you ever wanted to support your local community in a friendly and supportive environment? We have volunteering opportunities at Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust!

You can help us by volunteering in lots of areas which include:

  • Befriending, ward visits, connecting with patients
  • Helping with patient group activities
  • Administrative tasks, telephoning patients

Receive full training and support, share your passion and skills and make a difference in your community. All whilst boosting your CV and gaining personal and professional development

Get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the website for more information 

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